Saturday, August 27, 2016

Download Desmume-0.9.11 Latest Version Free
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DeSmuME v0.9.11 adalah open source emulator Nintendo DS (NDS) untuk Windows, Linux, dan Mac OS. Emulator ini sangat luar biasa dalam menampilkan gambar dengan grafik yang sangat bagus. Tampilan DeSmuME sangat user friendly dan dapat di maximize atau full screen, sehingga anda bisa memainkan game NDS dengan nyaman. Banyak fitur yang ditawarkan oleh emulator ini. Anda bisa save game dengan cepat melalui state (Shift+F1-F9) dan  load game dengan c…
Download Desmume-0.9.11 Latest Version Free

Download Desmume-0.9.11 Latest Version Free

DeSmuME v0.9.11 adalah open source emulator Nintendo DS (NDS) untuk Windows, Linux, dan Mac OS. Emulator ini sangat luar biasa dalam menampilkan gambar dengan grafik yang sangat bagus. Tampilan DeSmuME sangat user friendly dan dapat di maximize atau full screen, sehingga anda bisa memainkan game NDS dengan nyaman. Banyak fitur yang ditawarkan oleh emulator ini. Anda bisa save game dengan cepat melalui state (Shift+F1-F9) dan  load game dengan cepat melalui state (F1-F9). Dan Jika anda merasa game yang anda mainkan terlalu sulit, anda juga dapat mamakai cheat langsung melalui emulator ini dengan action replay code (dapat dicari di internet).

DeSmuME juga mendukung mikrofon untuk game yang dalam bermain memang harus menggunakan mikrofon. DeSmuME juga dapat mengambil rekaman video dan audio karena memiliki fitur built-in movie recorder.

Dalam bermain jika anda merasa bermasalah dengan tampilan default emulator ini, anda dapat mengaturnya melalui menu config. DeSmuME juga memberikan fasilitas ganti resolusi layar pada menu View, diantaranya anda dapat mengganti tampilan layar dari Horizontal menjadi vertikal atau sebaliknya. Dan jika anda ingin memakai fitur cheat anda dapat menggunakannya pada menu Tools

DeSmuME v0.9.11 Final Changelog

  • bug: fix large numbers of games not being able to save anymore
  • bug: fix some missing sound effects due to wrong volumes in some boot scenarios and other things
  • bug: fix freezes due to tiny looping sounds
  • bug: fix many big endian issues
  • bug: fix some apparently rarely-used CPU instructions, no known consequences
  • bug: fix (block) reading of some GPU registers
  • bug: fix action replay code type 0xE
  • bug: fix reading of last 4 bytes of rom
  • bug: large improvements to stability of GDB stub
  • bug: support w-buffer support in OpenGL renderers
  • bug: fix unpredictable crashes in some 3d scenes from w=0
  • enh: better loading of roms (bad patches) with wrong size info in header
  • enh: warn user sometimes when 'stream rom from disk' will create malfunctions
  • enh: add xBRZ filters
  • enh: add "TXT Hack" for software rasterizer to improve text rendering in some games

  • bug: fix 5x filters
  • enh: support import of action replay save files (.dss)
  • enh: add antialiasing option for OpenGL renderers
  • enh: don't malfunction if saveram is unavailable or read-only

  • bug: 16-bit to 32-bit color space conversions no longer darken video or images
  • bug: fix intermittent issues with loading user defaults on app startup
  • bug: fix rendering inaccuracies of the video preview in the app display preferences
  • bug: fix various UI font rendering and text alignment issues on OS X Yosemite
  • bug: fix crackly sound from N-sync and Z-sync methods
  • enh: make N-sync method the default sound sync method since it has much lower latency than P-sync method
  • enh: add support for gdbstub (Tools > Show GDB Stub Control) (only available on custom builds using the dev+ build target)
  • enh: optimize input handling to use less CPU
  • enh: add support for App Nap when the app is in an idle state (only supported on OS X Mavericks and later)
  • enh: add Execution Control panel (Emulation > Show Execution Control), now with frame advance and frame jump controls
  • enh: auto frame skip is now smoother
  • enh: further improve execution timing accuracy
  • enh: improve overall video performance
  • enh: render video through a 3-stage filtering pipeline, (Video Source)-->(Pixel Scaler)-->(Video Output)
  • enh: add the following video source filters - Deposterize
  • enh: add the following video output filters - Bicubic B-Spline, Bicubic Mitchell-Netravali, Lanczos2, Lanczos3
  • enh: add ability to run all existing pixel scalers on either the CPU or the GPU
  • enh: add ability to toggle the main and touch display positions (View > Toggle All Displays)
  • enh: add preliminary support for replay playback and recording
  • enh: add support for turbo and autohold
  • enh: add support for the entire suite of slot-2 devices (Emulation > Show SLOT-2 Manager)
  • enh: add support for using the host machine's audio input device for emulating the NDS microphone (Emulation > Show Microphone Settings)
  • enh: change the sine wave tone generator's range from 100Hz-5000Hz to 40Hz-4000Hz
  • enh: reorganize the menu options to more logical locations
  • enh: greatly improve the File Migration Assistant (now renamed Game Data Migration Assistant) and ROM Info panel with a more modern and space efficient look and feel
  • enh: miscellaneous user interface improvements

  • bug: fix screen gap bug
  • bug: workaround for std::bad_alloc exceptions compiler bugs
  • enh: add experimental AV recording
  • enh: generally improve main loop throttling and skipping
  • enh: massive improvements to HUD and menu layout
  • enh: add window sizing options and sound interpolation options
  • enh: add Lid button; disallow U+D, L+R; manual option saving

Link Download:

Desmume-0.9.11 win32 | Zippyshare | Mediafire | Solidfiles | (908 Kb)

Desmume-0.9.11 win64 | Zippyshare | Mediafire | Solidfiles | (1,37 Mb)

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