Glary Utilities Pro Full Keygen adalah sebuah software multifungsi yang merupakan gabungan dari beberapa alat yang sangat berguna bagi PC atau Laptop anda. Software ini mampu memaksimalkan kinerja PC anda dengan membersihkan Junk / file sampah, memperbaiki registry, mencari file duplikat, menghapus folder kosong, dan masih banyak lainnya. Software ini memiliki ukuran sekitar 16 Mb, cukup ringan untuk sebuah software All in One. Software ini juga memiliki tampilan yang sederhana, serta dapat digunakan dengan sekali klik saja.
Glary Utilities Pro merupakan versi terbaru dari software ini yang rilis pada 19 Juni 2017. Software ini sangat membantu anda untuk memelihara PC atau Laptop anda. Banyak pengguna di seluruh dunia yang telah mencoba software ini. Kami juga membagikan sebuah keygen untuk menjadikan Glary Utilities terbaru ini full version. Silahkan download jika ingin mencobanya! :)

Key Features of Glary Utilities Pro
Clean Up & Repair:
What’s New in Version
- Disk Cleaner: Removes junk data from your disks and recovers disk space.
- Registry Cleaner: Clean up your registry to improve your system’s performance.
- Shortcuts Fixer: Correct the errors in your startmenu & desktop shortcuts.
- Duplicate Files Finder: Search for space-wasting and error producing duplicate files.
- Empty Folders Finder: Find and remove empty folders in your windows.
- Context Menu Manager: Manage the context-menu entries for files, folders, etc.
- Uninstall Manager: Uninstall programs completely that you don’t need any more.
Optimize & Improve:
- Startup Manager: Manages programs which run automatically on startup.
- Disk Defrag: Defrag Hard Disks to speedup the PC performance.
- Memory Optimizer: Monitor and optimize free memory in the background.
- Registry Defrag: Defrag the Windows registry to speedup your computer.
- Check Disk: Scan your disk drives to find and repair disk problems.
- Driver Manager: Backup, restore and update drivers for your PC.
- Software Update: Quickly scan and check for new versions of software installed on your system.
Privacy & Security:
- Tracks Eraser: Erase all the traces, evidences, cookies, internet history and more.
- File Shredder: Erase files permanently so that no one can recover them.
- File Undelete: Quick anda effective way to retrieve accidentally deleted files.
- File Encrypter: Protect your files from unauthorized access and use.
- Browser Assistant: Manage Internet Explore Add-ons and restore hijacked settings.
- Process Manager: Monitor running processes and optionally stop them.
Files & Folders:
- Disk Space Analyzer: Show you the disk space usage of your files and folders.
- File Splitter: Split large files into smaller manageable files, anda rejoin them.
- Quick Search: Locate files and folders by name instantly.
System Tools:
- System Information: Collect information about your hardware anda software.
- Registry Backup: Make a backup copy of your system registry.
- Registry Restore: Restore your system registry from a backup copy.
- Repair System Files: Scan for corruptions in Windows system files and restore corrupted files
- System Backup: Backup your programs, system settings, and files.
- System Restore: Restore your computer settings to an earlier date.
- Undo Changes: Restore the changes made to your computer by Glary Utilities.
What’s New in Version
- Optimized Disk Cleaner: added support for 'VSO Blu-ray Converter Ultimate 4' and 'VSO DVD Converter Ultimate 4' .
- Optimized Tracks Eraser: added support for ' Microsoft Photo Editor' and 'Nero Burning ROM'.
- Minor GUI improvements.
- Minor bug fixes.
Cara Install:
- Download dan Ekstrak file “Glary Utilities Pro Full Keygen” ini.
- Ekstrak juga file Keygen di dalamnya.
- Install software Glary Utilities seperti biasa.
- Buka folder Keygen dan jalankan file Keygen di dalamnya.
- Isi nama anda lalu klik Generate.
- Copy kode serial yang ada.
- Kemudian jalankan software Glary Utilities dan gunakan kode serial untuk proses registrasi.
- Selesai.
Link Download:
Glary Utilities Pro Full Keygen | Zippyshare | Solidfiles | (16 Mb)
Keygen Only | Zippyshare | (300 Kb)